A successful 2018

2018 has been a real success for our team and young players. We have held 9 holiday camps throughout the year are looking forward to our last camp in October half term.

With never ending positive feedback, we are confident that our success will continue and our young players will benefit from making endless childhood memories.

We will be releasing our future camp dates after October half term and we look forward to seeing our regular youngsters along with new young players.


The first camp of 2018

February 13th brought about the first day of our half term camp. The first of 10 football camps in 2018, proved to be another exciting event with over 40 players in attendance. Despite the wet and windy conditions, the young players did not waste one minute hiding from the cold. With smiles on their faces, they all braved the weather in hope that they would leave with one of many prizes, medals or as a world cup winner.

After receiving some fantastic feedback, we are anticipating many players attending our Easter camps and look forward to seeing you all.

Visit our holiday camps page via the football tab above to reserve a space.

New Camp Dates For 2018!!!

After an extremely successful 2017, EFC are happy to release the dates for our 2018 camps below:

February half term –

Tuesday 13th & Wednesday 14th February

Easter –
Tuesday 3rd & Wednesday 4th April
Monday 9th & Tuesday 10th April

May half term –
Tuesday 29th & Wednesday 30th May

Summer –
Monday 23rd, Tuesday 24th & Wednesday 25th July
Monday 30th, Tuesday 31st July & Wednesday 1st August
Monday 6th, Tuesday 7th & Wednesday 8th August
Monday 13th, Tuesday 14th & Wednesday 15th August
Monday 20th, Tuesday 21st & Wednesday 22nd August

October half term –
Monday 22nd & Tuesday 23rd October

As always, all of the above camps will be held on the 3G astro at Shenfield High School, 9.30am-3.30pm for 4-12 year olds.

Please see our Holidays Camps page for more details and how to book. Alternatively, you can use the contact tab above if you have any further questions.

We look forward to seeing you all at our next camp!

Mini Kickers Returns

Our Mini Kickers programme will return to normal on Saturday 2nd September. We are currently still open but only operating 10.15-11am, for all ages.

The 2nd September will see us return to our normal hours with all coaches in attendance.

We are expecting high numbers in September so please arrive at least five minutes before the start of your class to sign in.

If you are looking to join our class, please feel free to drop us an email using the contact tab above.

We look forward to seeing you all very soon, enjoy the rest of your summer!

Summer Camp 3 – 2017

This week was the third of our four summer camps at Shenfield High School. As always it was a busy three days with plenty of smiles and celebrations.

The three day camp saw over fifty children between the ages of 4-10 years old in attendance. This brought a lot of activity in the transfer market, for the three day premier league competition that took place after lunch.

The quiz that took place every day was dominated by the summers transfers around Europe and even tested some of the coaches at points.

We are back on Monday 21st August for our fourth and final camp of the summer. Get booking!

Holiday Camps 2017 – Dates Released

We are happy to announce that we will be providing even more holiday camps in 2017! Due to high demand, we are offering camps throughout all of the school holidays, up until October half term.

You will see that we have a mix of two and three day camps below. The Prices for the two day camps will be based on our daily rates. The three day camps will have the option of a three day discount, as seen below.


February Half Term –

Tuesday 14th & Wednesday 15th February

Easter  Holidays-

Monday 3rd, Tuesday 4th, Wednesday 5th April

Monday 10th & Tuesday 11th April

May Half Term –

Tuesday 30th & Wednesday 31st May

Summer Holidays –

Monday 24th, Tuesday 25th & Wednesday 26th July

Monday 31st, Tuesday 1st & Wednesday 2nd August

Monday 14th, Tuesday 15th & Wednesday 16th August

 Monday 21st, Tuesday 22nd & Wednesday 23rd August

October Half Term –

Monday 23rd, Tuesday 24th & Wednesday 25th October


Day bookings for 7-12 year olds (9.30am – 3.30pm) – £20 per day or £50 for three days.

Morning bookings for u6’s (9.30am – 12pm) – £10 per morning or £25 for three mornings.


As always, we are expecting high numbers and encourage all players to Book now! To do so, please contact us via the tab above.

Mini Kickers Graduate!!

Over the past four weeks, we have watched the first set of graduates leave our Mini Kickers class and graduate to Hutton FC. Joining us at the age of four, the young players are now showing off their silky skills on the outside 4G AstroTurf, along with the older boys and girls. The feedback from the parents of the children has been extremely positive and it is clear to see that our Mini Kickers class provided the youngsters with a set of skills, that places them at a level above their playing age.

Our coaches have since reported that they feel the playing level has risen both inside the hall, with the Mini Kickers who have been with us for over a year as well as outside on the AstroTurf, where our new graduates are now based. I think it is safe to say that the futures of these youngsters are looking very bright!

October Half Term Holiday Camp 2016

Our football camp during October half term is now a two day camp. It will be running on Monday 24th and Tuesday 25th. The cost is £10 a day for the under 6 morning class, or £18 a day for players looking to book for a full day.

We are already taking bookings and expect high numbers once again. Book your place NOW!!


Summer Camp 2016

Two down – one to go!

After two weeks in the glorious sunshine, many of our young players spent their summer holidays having the time of their life. With many familiar faces returning, we have also gained interest from new player and maintained strong numbers all summer.

Because of this – not only do we always provide coaches with the highest qualifications, but we have provided a great coach to player ratio all summer!

Week two also brought the experience of taking part in a photo shoot. We quickly realised that not only did we have some future football players on our hands, but some professional models as well.

We would all like to take this chance to send a big thank you to Carmel Jane Photography. Not only did they provide us with some great photos of the highest quality, but they also made it enjoyable for all children and staff involved.

Our new balls, bibs and t-shirts enhanced the professional feel that we bring to camps. There was a great vibe around the camp during the photos and that carried on throughout the week.

If you are interested in attending our final camp of the summer (22nd-24th August), please contact us via the tab above.

NEW – Futsal class in Brentwood!

We are please to announce the opening of our first Futsal class in Brentwood. The class will take place in Shenfield High Schools sports hall from September 2016. We are welcoming bookings from any player aged between 6 – 9 years old.

Please use the contact tab above to reserve a space.

We hope to release more dates for an older class in the near future. .

Futsal Flyer A5